Posts Tagged ‘mindfulness’

Balance, Closed Eyes, and the “Monkey Mind”
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 20th, 2010

Closing your eyes can help you learn fine skills faster. It also helps transform swimming into a moving meditation.

Swim for Pleasure rather than Fitness
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 18th, 2010

Swim for peak experiences, rather than for fitness or strength.

Do you swim for Exercise . . . or Flow?
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 6th, 2010

When you make swimming with grace an explicit and high-value goal, you transform swimming from Exercise into a Flow State and create happiness as well as health and fitness.

How would Einstein teach swimming? Balance, Streamline, Propel.
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on October 26th, 2010

Balance, Streamline, Propel is TI’s “Elegant Solution.” Whatever stroke, skill, or goal you’re pursuing, you’ll improve faster, easier if you master them in that order.

Going like Sixty: Staying Present makes it better.
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on September 25th, 2010

In an OW race, the moment I wished for the finish to arrive sooner, my stroke and psyche felt much worse. When I focused on THIS stroke and moment, all was bliss.

Going Like Sixty: Lessons from the pool
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on September 25th, 2010

After over four months of swimming only in open water, because I love the outdoors and freedom, I discover how valuable pool practice can be.

How to Practice TI at Masters Workout
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on September 20th, 2010

You can practice TI principles in a Masters or other group/team workout if you focus on increasing your efficiency, while others focus on increasing effort.

Video: To Swim like a Dolphin, first Re-wire your Brain.
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on September 19th, 2010

My stroke is radically more efficient at age 59 than it was at 19 or 39 because I emphasized Active Streamlining over Pulling-and-Kicking. I had to change the way my brain is ‘wired’ before I could change how I move my body.

Video: Doing what DOESN’T come naturally
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on September 7th, 2010

An efficient stroke doesn’t come naturally. It’s a product of many conscious choices to imprint counter-intuitive movements.

A Meditation on Swimming Faster
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on August 26th, 2010

Anything you do with great awareness is meditation — watching your breath; listening to chants . . . and swimming that’s focused on banishing distraction via targeted focus.